Concierge Services

Concierge Services:
We offer our private and corporate clients complete concierge services 24/7. You can trust our service regardless of your request. Amongst others, we can offer: plain tickets, hotel reservations, security and protection, theatre tickets, tourism services, hunting sessions, fitness instructors, lawyers and real estate agents. We are always here for you, waiting for your requests.
Corporate Concierge:
Our corporate concierge programs are dedicated to companies and organizations that are committed to improving the personal and professional lives of those they serve, whether they are clients, business partners, employees.
Private Concierge:
We provide our clients the best services, ranging from making a simple car reservation, to buying and sending flowers to beloved ones and business partners.
Satisfactie garantata!
Printre altele va putem oferi: bilete de avion, rezervari la hotel, servicii de protectie si paza, bilete la teatru, servicii de turism, sesiuni de vanatoare, instructori de fitness, avocati si agenti imobiliari.